viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

A country I'd like to visit

I want someday visit Mexico, because is a country which an invaluable wealth in their religion, archeology and culture. In this country we can find the awesome pyramids of the Azteca’s civilization, this date form thousands of years ago. In think it is a magic place, connected with the spirits of all the nature around, these constructions have so much mysteries related to their build process and methods connected with the astrology.

If someday I have the opportunity of visit this country I want to visit these pyramids, the little towns and know their people, with this culture, their mods to represent their religion, their devotion with the saints, their food (I really like eat tacos with chile :P) and music.

I would live in Mexico, first, because the language is the same in my country, second, because the food is so delicious, with all these strange things and spice condiments, and third for the culture and the people, so proud of their past and native traditions.

I am sure that I forget name a lot of other interesting things about Mexico, and also I am sure that there are many things to discover, things that are out of the traditional history and books.

Greetings :)