viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

An animal I like is the deer, because is a very discreet animal, very stealthy. The species of Central and South America lives in the dense forests and are less often seen in open spaces, but the major quantity of  large deer species are concentrated in the Canadian  Rocky Mountain and Columbia Mountain.
I love the antlers of these animals. All male deer have antlers, with the exception of the Chinese Water Deer which have tusks. Their appearance is very calm, quiet and peaceful, but their antlers show how much stronger are.
In mythology, the deer is associated, for example in the Greek mythology, with Artemis (in her rol as virginal huntress). In Hindu mythology, the goddess Saraswati takes the form of a red deer. And many others cultures relate the deer with their gods and qualities.
I´ve only seen the deer in the zoo a few times, but I really want some day travel and take some pictures live and direct and observe for hours their subtlety and stealth.

I think sometimes that we, the humans have so much for learn of the animals. Each animal has a great quality and we, the humans, are going to a life so empty and superficial… We need come back into the wild.  

1 comentario:

  1. Héctor!

    You are a person very discreet, perhaps for this you like deer.
