viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

My Best Holidays

     My best holidays was few years ago, in the 2012, it was a trip to Chiloé in my uncle’s car. We went with his wife and my cousin. The road from Santiago to Chiloé is very long, it took us around 12 hours to arrive to Puerto Montt. There we ate lunch a paila marina and then we continue our trip…

     Finally we arrive to Castro, but it was so late in the night and it was impossible find a place to sleep, so, we slept in the car that night (XD).  In the morning the first thing we did it was to find a place to sleep. After this, we stayed in Castro for seven days, we went across the island from side to side, from Ancud to Quellón, from Quellón to Cucao, from Cucao to Achao and many little towns, all full of magic and charm…

     After this, we went to Puerto Varas and stayed there for four days (and we don’t sleep in the car), and also took short trips around the Llanquihue Lake, Frutillar, Puerto Octay.

     I hope go back to this places someday.

2 comentarios:

  1. I remember when you told me about this holiday because you gave me a present :).. the picture is very cute, good choice

  2. Hey there 'Gustavo, no Héctor',
    I like those kind of trips, just getting to the place itself is an adventure - though you get sore from being sitting for all those hours xD. I love the south of Chile, it has a different charm than the one Santiago has, also those islands are full magic and they haver their own identity.

    Greetings :)
