sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Have you had a good year??

Hi classmates! In this post I want to tell you about my year. In this 2014 I knew new people, they are very good mates and I could grew a strength friendship with them. Also, in this year, I could learn a lot of contents in the new subjects of my career, semester by semester is going turn more interesting and fascinating.

But never all is perfect, and this year is not the exception. In my family some health problems did that our stability was going out control and it harmed us in our personal planes. For example, I had to suspend some subjects in the university to can help in my house with the complications. This situation made my academic performance went in a decrease, but I still hope that I will finish that with honors.

This 2014 I reach some personal achievements, for example, I learnt to don’t be so prejudger when I meet somebody, I learn to give time myself and to the others to know how really they are. I think that the problems I had in this year made me grow as person, now I feel me stronger and more old (talking psychologically).

To this year I have not done yet my academic year, this is one of my most important target for the year, one of the things that I still have to do this year is be braver to deal with my demons inside, confront my fears and release it to be happier.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi classmates! I hope that you are very good with the end of semester.

Learning english in the university has been a very good experience for me. Share time with different careers and classmates was so good too, because we see this class with different points of view and this is funnier.
In the school I had an English class. this was so basic, but I always feel interest for the different languages and the most of the music that I listen is in English, so I go learning a little bit more with the songs that I listened.

 I think that the blogs are a very good way to improve the English knowledge, because every week we write about a different topic, so, this made it more interesting.

I need to improve my pronunciation and my audition capacity; I think if I practice more I can improve significantly my English level. One of the ways that I think can be good choices for improve my English is see movies and series in English (and it works). Also, I have some friends that are English students, and they are so good in that, so, I think they can help me talking and correct my mistakes.

These days I am using English daily, one days more than others, but English is everywhere, is in the television, in the internet, in the books, so, is inevitable had a relation with this language.

in my smartphone I had an application to learn different languages, included English, this app is very good, is called “Duolingo”. I don’t use this a lot time ago, but now in the holidays I want to restart with that.

How green are you?

Hi classmates, in this post I come to write about environmental friendly practices. To start, I can say you where do the people learn about this practices. This can be different, and it depends of many factors. For example, the age of the individual, this person can be a child, and he probably learn about these practices in the school, in other example we can put an adult of 30 years old, and he probably get the knowledge about this practices from the internet and television, or any other social media.

In general, in my house, we are a family with green habits. We live in a semi-rural area of the region and there we have the sufficient space for have an area destined to the farming activities, and a place to make compost with the organic trash.
When I need go to someplace near of my house, I use my legs, but, the most of the time, I had to use a bus to go anyplace, because my house is far of the center of the city.

 I still not joined any eco-organization, only because I don’t think about that before, I don’t know if this will be necessary to print my green footprint and do things for help the world. Sometimes I believe more in little organizations, in minor scale, and this work better than the big organizations (who sometimes works like business).

My Career

Hi dear classmates! Today I want to write about my career and why I choose this and no other. I am an psychology student and I choose to study this because I think is possible change the world, make it better, and the most important thing to achieve it, is take the people and make into –shiny- happy people. So, as this is my dream, I think I have to work of some way and I decide to study this beautiful career. This is not easy for me, and in some times I think about leave it, but in these moments I remember why I am here and recover my strength to still in my road.

I see the opportunity of study psychology here, in the Universidad de Chile, not like my choice. I think that (in some sense), the university choose me, because for my previous education (in the school) I have very little chance for study any career in this university (nor any other), so, be here is for me a clear sign that the dreams can come true if we work for it. The key is don’t give up.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

My favourite movie

Hi classmates! Today I’m here to write about my favorite movie. The movie is Into the Wild. This movie talk about a boy called Christopher Mcandless. Christopher after graduated of the university starts a travel across the country (USA) along two years. He lost the contact with their family, and change his name with the intention of their family can’t get notices or information about his location. He meet so much places and people in their trip, and passed the two years he decide crown his journey going to his finally destiny, Alaska.

The movie narrates the travel, show the motivations and the ending of the decisions that Christopher take along the way. I like so much this movie, because is based in a real history, and because it shows other way to see the world, the family, the society. The movie shows how vulnerable we are, and how one decision can change drastically our life.

The movie can be view of different perspectives, and the sense that you give to the movie change all the perception. Some people think that Christopher was a very selfish guy, because he thinks only in himself and left their family in a permanent anguish because they can’t take notices about the boy. Also, some people celebrate the courage of Christopher, because he takes the risk of go out and confronted the unknown, he had the courage of leave all he has in the past to set out on their travel and go into the wild.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

My experience in the field

Hi classmates! Today I come to write about my experience in the field. It was the past semester in a work in a kinder garden for my “Psicología del Desarrollo” class. This work was in a group, me and three classmates. The work consisted in a few interviews and most time in the garden we did observational work with the children.

In this moment I do not remember any difficulties in the process of the work. This was my first practical work in my career, and is the area that I want to continue. Maybe the difficulties or problems with this work are associated to the educational team of the class, because that semester was the first time that they conduct a class, so, they have some coordination and organization problems.

The majority of this work I liked very much. But I think if the educational team would have had no problems it could have been much better. Like I wrote in my other posts, the educational psychology is the area I want to work, then, I really enjoyed my first experience in this area on the field, it was so motivating, and I hope to continue to do this type of works, more practical an less theorical. Because sometimes I think that in this university we read so much, but do very little.

Well, this is all.

Take care :D

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Cultural Shock

Hi, as a psychology student I give you a little description of this concept in the point of view of my discipline. Culture shock is defined as a psychological disorientation that most people experience when living in a culture markedly different from one’s own. Culture shock occurs when our "...cultural clues, the signs and symbols which guide social interaction, are stripped away. ...A difficult part of this process for adults is the experience of feeling like children again, of not knowing instinctively the ‘right’ thing to do.

I have never traveled to other country, so, I never experimented for myself a cultural shock so strong like some of my classmates. I think that the most important cultural shock I have experienced was when I get into the university, because I come from a little school, in a rural area, with few students, so, get into the university, in this campus, with people so diverse, people who comes from different places of Chile, even other countries… It was a big cultural shock, adapt and accept that everyone are different and particular, learn to listen and open my mind to other ways to see the reality.

Get into the university make me grow :)

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

My Future Job

Hi classmates, I am a psychology student, I am in my second year. When I finish the major I like to work in some town in the south of Chile, I really love the south of Chile. My idea is work with children in a school or some child institution.

I imagine that will be amazing, because the southern people are so warm, and I am in love with these landscapes, this places are full of magic. This is the reason why I hope live in the south in the future.

I will work in an office, this need not by boring; it depends of your way of work there. But I prefer work in different places, move.

I choose this major because I want to help the people to be a best person. My dream is can give new tools for the life of these children, lacking opportunities. I think this is a way to make the world a better place. Okay, like John Lennon, “you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”.

I think with my work I will not work so much, but I am sure I will be so much happy in my place, my home, my job and my family.

So, this will be my future! You are invited to go to my house in holydays! J

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

My Best Holidays

     My best holidays was few years ago, in the 2012, it was a trip to Chiloé in my uncle’s car. We went with his wife and my cousin. The road from Santiago to Chiloé is very long, it took us around 12 hours to arrive to Puerto Montt. There we ate lunch a paila marina and then we continue our trip…

     Finally we arrive to Castro, but it was so late in the night and it was impossible find a place to sleep, so, we slept in the car that night (XD).  In the morning the first thing we did it was to find a place to sleep. After this, we stayed in Castro for seven days, we went across the island from side to side, from Ancud to Quellón, from Quellón to Cucao, from Cucao to Achao and many little towns, all full of magic and charm…

     After this, we went to Puerto Varas and stayed there for four days (and we don’t sleep in the car), and also took short trips around the Llanquihue Lake, Frutillar, Puerto Octay.

     I hope go back to this places someday.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

A country I'd like to visit

I want someday visit Mexico, because is a country which an invaluable wealth in their religion, archeology and culture. In this country we can find the awesome pyramids of the Azteca’s civilization, this date form thousands of years ago. In think it is a magic place, connected with the spirits of all the nature around, these constructions have so much mysteries related to their build process and methods connected with the astrology.

If someday I have the opportunity of visit this country I want to visit these pyramids, the little towns and know their people, with this culture, their mods to represent their religion, their devotion with the saints, their food (I really like eat tacos with chile :P) and music.

I would live in Mexico, first, because the language is the same in my country, second, because the food is so delicious, with all these strange things and spice condiments, and third for the culture and the people, so proud of their past and native traditions.

I am sure that I forget name a lot of other interesting things about Mexico, and also I am sure that there are many things to discover, things that are out of the traditional history and books.

Greetings :)

sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Hi classmates and teacher! I’m here to write about my blogging experience and about the semester too.

This was my first blog ever, and I like so much this experience, I think the experience of blogs and write posts every week was very funny, with this I know things of my classmates I never hear before, and I write some things I never tell before…

This was a very cool way to learn and practice English, because you do not see the learning like a boring class, with books or talking about boring topics, here with the blog we write about topics we choose (in general). In addition, the teacher’s was very arranged to resolve our questions with the writing process and has so much patience with our mistakes.

I hope in the next semester has again an experience so good like this semester. I probably miss so much the blogging activities and the funny activities of every week. I do not see any disadvantage about blogging in the English class, I think this is a perfect way to learning, improve and practice the English. In resume was a very good semester and class.

Greetings for all, and see you soon!

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

An animal I like is the deer, because is a very discreet animal, very stealthy. The species of Central and South America lives in the dense forests and are less often seen in open spaces, but the major quantity of  large deer species are concentrated in the Canadian  Rocky Mountain and Columbia Mountain.
I love the antlers of these animals. All male deer have antlers, with the exception of the Chinese Water Deer which have tusks. Their appearance is very calm, quiet and peaceful, but their antlers show how much stronger are.
In mythology, the deer is associated, for example in the Greek mythology, with Artemis (in her rol as virginal huntress). In Hindu mythology, the goddess Saraswati takes the form of a red deer. And many others cultures relate the deer with their gods and qualities.
I´ve only seen the deer in the zoo a few times, but I really want some day travel and take some pictures live and direct and observe for hours their subtlety and stealth.

I think sometimes that we, the humans have so much for learn of the animals. Each animal has a great quality and we, the humans, are going to a life so empty and superficial… We need come back into the wild.  

sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

The area of the psychology that I like is the educational. So, my future plan, when I leave the university, Is find a job and become independent, find the possibility of work with children, in a school, or any organization, with the possibility of take care of their learning process, because for me this is the most important age in the development.

My idea is go out of Santiago after of save on money sufficient to bought a house, or an apartment, in a place in the south of Chile, like Villarrica o Chiloé, establish me there, with a good job, help the people, create an organization to work with the needy childrens and their families, to support them, above everything, in their education, and affective development.

 With these objective achieved I would like raise a big family (with many childrens) there, because I was raised in a place very quiet, a rural area, and I still reminding how cool was those years, those winters, those summers, that air.

I still seeing so far that dream, but for sure, I am still working for that.  

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Bernard Weiner

Weiner is a cognitive psychologist born in 1935, he is known for developing a form of attribution theory, which explains the motivational and emotional entailments of academic success and failure, the attributions are related  with the motivation and can affect the behavior of the people, their strategy and their social relationships. He is an academic of the University of California, in Los Angeles.

Bernard Weiner reformulated the Heider’s theory, adding two aspects or dimensions, the controllable and the uncontrollable causes. In the controllable causes, the bigger the control in the learning process, the more the expectations can be and the higher the motivation to make an effort to learn, and in the case of the uncontrollable causes he says that in those causes is impossible to work.

I like this author because I think the education is very important in the life of the people, I think that the motivation is a very significant aspect in the learning process, because we need to have the interest for apprehend the knowledge. 

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

This photo is not one of my favourites, and I do not know who took it, because I was very little… It is probable that this picture had been taken by an aunt, in the country side, near Lago Rapel, around 1994, I do not know…

This picture makes me remember when i was a child and how pampered I was by my grandmother, how big  this house was, how many animals my grandmother had there … Very nice memories of this country house, all my big family was united there for the summer holidays… my cousins and I usually went to collect corncob, berries, eggs…  In the breakfast, my grandmother gave us fresh milk and cheese of their cows, very early in the morning… she was very good at making food, like empanadas, humitas, corncob cake and handmade bread.

How many memories! It makes me feel very nostalgic…


lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Hi classmates! Today I’m here to tell which is my favorite movie. The movie is “Into The Wild”, the film was road in 2007, directed by Sean Penn, the stars of the film are Emile Hirsh (Chris McCandless in the movie), Marcia Gay Harden, Wiliam Hurt, Jena Malone, Kristen Stewart, and others.
The movie is based in the book with the same name, write by Jon Krakauer, the movie shows the life of a student, after graduate from Emory University decide leave all the material things of his life, and start a travel into the wild. The final is not what Chris hope…
I like this movie because is a very strong history, and my way of see the world has changed after the movie (also I read the book). So, I always recommends this movie to everyone who wants see a very good movie and keep thinking about that.


viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

My favourite piece of technology

Hi classmates, 

My favourite piece of technology is the smartphone.
I had my first cellphone when I was 13 years old, but I bought my first smartphone when I have 18.

Currently, I used the smartphone every day and never go out of home without my smartphone; I can go out without my money, shoes, or anything, but never without my smartphone.

I like it because it contains all my contacts, photos, social networks, university mails, books, games and music, a lot of music. You never get bored if your smartphone goes with you! I do not know how difficult life would be without a smartphone… okay, I am exaggerating a little, but anyway a smartphone simplifies the life, that is undeniable. Tell me that’s false!  

All it sounds like I was an addict to the smartphone, but it is not real, I know when I can’t use it, for example, in a date, in class, with my friends, I think that annoys others.

Cheers! :D

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

My Auto Biography

Hi everyone, my name is Héctor Gustavo, but I prefer just Gustavo. I was born in the sixth region in July 13th in 1992, raised in Lago Rapel. But six years ago I moved to Calera de Tango with my parents and grandmother.
I have a sister and two nephews, one of them is my godson. I go with them to the cinema and we watch animated movies.
I did the elementary studies in Lago Rapel and my high school in Calera de Tango. Now I am a psychology student in the Universidad de Chile.
I like to listen to music all day and night long, I am always searching for new artists and songs for my music library.
I don't know if it's a hobby, but I love the photography, read books and, again, listen to music… So as we see, I am a little bit nerd.